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COVID Can Drive Trend Towards Smart Building Integration

The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled the drivers and weakened the barriers to the integration of various smart building systems.

“While managing multiple systems from different vendors can be an operations headache, these different systems create another problem – siloed data sources – meaning devices and sensors in different systems can’t talk to each other… But they want to! By layering in the right software and connecting the right devices, data from your building can be extracted to provide the very insights necessary to make their workplaces safe, and to make them trusted..”

The right software is spelled YGGIO by Sensative. Yggio connects to any building system and BMS, as well as adds any new IoT technology. Everything under ONE API. Yggio – the leading Digitalization Infrastructure Management System (DiMS), turning siloed solutions into an integrated Smart Building software stack.

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Nordic Ai popup live, Smart mat & klimat – YouTube

Agtech, eller Agricultural Technology, är under en mer eller mindre explosiv utveckling på grund av de stora utmaningarna som jordbruket står inför. Sänkt lönsamhet samtidigt som kraven på hållbarhet ökar.

Nu tar man till sensorer, drönare, AI och Machine Learning för att öka sina möjligheter.


Ta en titt på denna popup där Johan Wester resonerar med ett antal ledande experter inom området, bland annat Sensatives VD Mats Pettersson.

Nordic AI popup live Smart mat och klimat med bl a Sensatives Mats Pettersson
Nordic AI popup live Smart mat och klimat med bl a Sensatives Mats Pettersson


data driven smart city

Europiska molnsamarbetet GAIA-X etableras i Sverige | Gaia-X

Det europeiska samarbetsprojektet för molntjänster, GAIA-X, har etablerat en organisation för samarbete i Sverige. Det övergripande målet för GAIA-X är att öka Europas självförsörjande av digital infrastruktur och skapa en öppen och flexibel miljö för digitala innovation baserad på regionens datalagstiftning. Initiativtagarna till den svenska organisationen är Ericsson, Netnod och City Network. Samtidigt har Skatteverket uppdraget att för regeringens räkning bevaka GAIA-X.

Bland medlemmarna hittar man nu även SENSATIVE

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IoT-start för Hedda Anderssongymnasiet

Digital Cities & Citizens – En ambition i projektet Smarta offentliga miljöer var att ge gymnasieelever kunskaper om sensorer och IoT. Nu startar läraren Ulf Jonsson och hans teknikelever på Hedda Anderssongymnasiet för första gången med sensorlaborationer. Snart levererar sensorer data om luft, temperatur och mycket annat – och samtidigt väcks kanske några elevers intresse för att i framtiden utveckla nästa generations teknik och tjänster.

En fördel med att arbeta med unga är att vi lär en ny generation tekniken bakom IoT, berättar Peter Bårmann på Sensative. Det är ju de som kommer att utveckla nästa generations teknik och tjänster. En del av de unga kommer kanske att arbeta hos oss på Sensative, andra kanske hos våra konkurrenter. Det spelar egentligen ingen roll var de hamnar, för alla som går vidare med detta kommer att vara med och ta utvecklingen framåt. Vi på Sensative tillhandahåller inte egna tjänster utan har en plattform som är till för att underlätta utvecklingen av tjänster. Vissa av eleverna kanske kommer att utveckla dessa tjänster, andra kan utveckla sensorer att koppla upp mot plattformen.

7 Most Demanded Iot System Integration and Professional Services featured image min

The 7 Most Demanded IoT System Integration Services

In short Seven focus areas are currently in high demand for IoT system integration and professional services.

The focus areas of today are further downstream in the value chain (mostly in the solution design and implementation stages) than in years past.

Due to strong demand, many technology vendors are building out their own integration capabilities.

Why it matters? Companies offering IoT system integration services need to address these high-demand areas.

Companies implementing IoT projects may need outside help in some areas to ensure success. The shifting IoT system integration value chain Of the companies that hire system integrators, 78% do so because they

This is highly interesting since Sensative offers THE MOST CAPABLE open IoT integration platform on the market, Yggio 🙂

sensative yggio turning buildings int Teslas

Unmanageable Smart Building Complexity is Holding Back Progress

Tesla vehicles have far more digital devices and software than a traditional vehicle. Teslas are almost like the smart buildings of the automotive world, except they have been widely accepted by users leading to a healthy 30-40% increase in sales year-over-year. To overcome the interoperability issues faced in their vehicles, Tesla integrated all devices and hardware around a single central software architecture, giving the firm an almost seamless ability to update software and optimize vehicle performance. There are limits to the Tesla – smart building comparison, of course, but also important lessons to learn.

Sensative Yggio – turning buildings into Teslas

globe IoT illo smart cities Adobe rt

Could mass IoT deployment be key driver of sustainability? 

Report sets out to explore the impact that new and emerging technologies will have on electricity, fuel and water usage, CO2 emissions, and e-waste.

Sustainability and economical reasons go hand in hand when investing in IoT.

“The report finds that IoT-enabled solutions like HVAC systems and building automation generate sustainability benefits regardless of whether they are deployed in a consumer or enterprise context and will be the most impactful electricity saving applications (along with smart electricity grid operations). Net energy consumers include commercial-based IoT solutions such as CCTV, AV equipment, and personal assistance robots.

It also identifies the most impactful IoT solution in terms of fuel savings will be road fleet management of vehicles and delivery vans, accounting for roughly 37 percent of fuel saved by IoT solutions of all kinds. Emerging technologies with the greatest impact on resource consumption are processing-intensive and deployed to ensure compliance or data optimization.”

Sensative integrator partner

Rapportsammanfattning – Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut – FOI

Several Swedish cities have started their journey towards becoming a smart city. The need to develop smarter cities is related to for example the challenges urbanisation entails. What constitute a smart city is blurry and there is a lack of a conventional definition.

FOI has conducted an interview study, commissioned by the Ministry of Justice, on the expected benefits and possible vulnerabilities with smart cities in Sweden. The development of smart cities is still at an early stage where focus primarily is on establishing proper technical infrastructure. State cost savings and efficiencies are expected benefits. The expectation is that the smart cities will provide better situational awareness and decision-making based on data rather than today’s more experience-based decisions.

Currently, primarily potential technical vulnerabilities dominates. Continuous work with risk- and vulnerability analyses is necessary to have an understanding of vulnerabilities related to smart city developments. Expected change in both working methods and skills may trigger organizational vulnerabilities, the extent of which is currently unclear. Smart cities can also give rise to social and legal vulnerabilities. The resilience of the smart city’s solutions in the event of a crisis or war has not been fully mapped, which indicates that the smart city could to some extent be vulnerable from a contingency perspective.

This report (in Swedish) was conducted through a series of interviews with, among others, Mats Pettersson CEO Sensative.

Open data FIWARE rm

On the right side of the game: how open source is making digital laggards catch up

FIWARE CEO Ulrich Ahle speaks to Graeme Neill about how the Smart Cities for Germany programme is helping the country’s poor track record on digitising services and how the battle for public opinion on open-source has been won.

“He cites the case of India and its 100 Smart Cities program, which launched almost a decade ago. Despite its ambitions, the country came to a realization two years ago that each city has built its own silos. Ahle says: “That wheel has been invented several times and there were only limited synergies between the 100 selected cities. The public funding which was provided for this could have been spent more efficiently.”

Open Source, Open APIs, FIWARE standardized data models, system of systems, are the way forward. All part of Sensative’s Yggio.

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Seeing the Matrix | Propmodo

Data analytics is the next frontier in the built world. How to leverage massive amounts of data to better understand our new reality is the property industry’s great challenge over the next five years. In order to be able to make our buildings more efficient, facility managers must learn how to read The Matrix.

Sensative says; “think big, start small, scale fast”. Or, know and understand that the buildings already produce lots of data. Connect those systems wherever possible, don’t change them. Use Yggio integration software for that task. Connect Yggio to your existing internal systems and see the flow of data that you actually already have. This is the first small step.

The second step is to add new wireless and battery-driven IoT technology and sensors to generate new data that you now realize that you are missing to improve the performance of your buildings and business.

There is no need for a big bang system upgrade. Take it in small and controlled steps, focusing on the bigger picture and becoming more future-proof. Otherwise, you will risk ending up with a new big bang upgrade in just a few years. This is how fast the proptech is developing. Buildings stand for 50-100 years or more. Building tech might be completely antiquated in 5-10 years’ time.

city apps

Is the Path to the Digital Twin Future of Buildings Paved By APIs?

Digital twin platforms should provide an open Application Programming Interface (API) that allows any system to interact with the master Digital Twin.

Sensative’s view on this. You shouldn’t settle for a multi-twin-multi-domain-multi-supplier situation, that is just making the old school siloed systems even worse. A supplier that provides the whole end-to-end solution for a specific problem (sensor – data – storage – analytics – Twin) should actually not even be considered as a supplier if it isn’t built for data sharing from the bottom up.

“Multiple digital twins acting in unison will be complex and inevitably too complex for straightforward integration. Multiple digital twins need the tools to bring all their information together to create a “digital master” and then manage any changes to that digital master for all systems and user processes. “. This means integration on top of all twins. Why shouldn’t the “master twin” be the complete twin, making the rest of the half-baked twins obsolete?

Integration should be done very much closer to the data source so that you have ONE unified data stream to your master digital twin, disregarding IoT or legacy tech, standards, or other data sources. This is what horizontal real-time integration is all about. This is what Yggio is all about.

Integrating Digital Twins should mean that they share data sources, not that you need to create a master super twin (a twin of twins). Think about redundant data, or latency issues when twins are used for control, not only documentation.


Nytt nät för sensorkommunikation i Eslöv | Kraftringen

Utöver Kraftringen och Eslövs kommun deltar även Lundabolaget Sensative i SMART-projektet. Sensative är underleverantör till Kraftringen och tillhandahåller den plattform, Yggio, som samlar in och presenterar sensornätverkets data för användarna

In addition to Kraftringen and Eslöv Municipality, Lundabolaget Sensative also participates in the SMART project. Sensative is a subcontractor to Kraftringen and provides the platform, Yggio, which collects and presents the sensor network’s data to users. (article in Swedish)

Source: Nytt nät för sensorkommunikation i Eslöv | Kraftringen



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