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Smart cities and buildings help mitigate the climate challenge – Beijer Electronics

Smart cities connect buildings, properties, users, and infrastructure to become sustainable, user-friendly environments. Smart buildings need to be flexible and adapt as requirements are constantly changing. Property technology and digital solutions must work seamlessly together to make properties both comfortable and sustainable.

In this article, we present an overview of the collaboration between Sensative and Beijer Electronics and our collaborative solutions for smart cities and buildings.

Source: Smart cities and buildings help mitigate the climate challenge – Beijer Electronics

cracked brown soil

California Has a Drought Problem. This Tech can Reverse It – dot.LA

With 45% of the state still in exceptional drought, the solution to California’s water crisis may lie in emerging technology that could help to better reuse and conserve water. Here are six of the most promising new water conservation technologies to watch.

Strips Drip is highlighted as a solution to conserve water by its ability to sense water leaks.

physicalsecurity iot

Blurring the Lines Between Physical Security & Smart Building Technology

As commercial buildings slowly return to action we see increasing demand for physical security products & services.

“The security industry is having to connect with a wider sphere of functionalities, not just security, and to develop tailored vertical markets offerings in order to deliver, together with their strategic partners, IoT solutions that work on standard open platforms,” the new report explains. “If the physical security industry does not meet this challenge, then an identity crisis will drastically reduce its prospects for future growth. This does not mean that product manufacturers have to install systems, but they will need to develop new partnerships, and interfaces with those responsible for delivering more comprehensive BIoT solutions with control and reporting functionality for multiple building systems. This shift will change the routes to market for a significant proportion of the physical security business.”

This is very true and already happening. Just take a look at our cooperations with Axis Communication and Precise Biometrics, where IoT and security become integral parts in the Building Management Systems.


Smart Buildings Industry Must Solve Its Own Complexity with Standards

We need to establish open and universal standards for connectivity between all devices, or some kind of data translation layer between all systems and devices. We need a system that would allow anyone to buy almost any product and have it work with their building system —a building could then embrace its uniqueness by creating a collection of smart tech to suit its individual needs. Only then can we begin to reach for the potential of smart buildings; when each building is free to use whatever combination of tech they see fit, when costs reduce to a rate that suits most buildings, and when design and setup time is vastly reduced.

We couldn’t agree more. This layer is already available on the market; Sensative’s Yggio Digitalization infrastructure Management System.

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Öppna plattformar ska öka innovationsförmågan och höja konkurrenskraften inom fastighetsautomation | RISE

Öppna plattformar för fastighetsautomation kan bidra till en jämställd marknad för hållbara systeminnovationer, smart styrning samt lägre och mer flexibel energianvändning i fastigheter. Ett samarbetsprojekt med 24 fastighetsaktörer, systemleverantörer och tjänsteutvecklare tar klivet mot öppna plattformar och datamodeller inom fastighetsautomation.

Ytterligare ett spännande projekt som koordineras av RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) med stöd från Vinnova, med Sensative och ett antal andra projektdeltagare.

Projektdeltagarnas vision är att öppna plattformar för fastighetsautomation ska bidra till en jämställd marknad för hållbara systeminnovationer, smart styrning, lägre energianvändning och mer flexibilitet i energianvändningen i fastigheter. Projektet ska möjliggöra nya typer av digitala tjänster som kan användas i många olika miljöer. Avsikten är att möjliggöra installation av
datadrivna tjänster i fastigheter lika enkelt som man installerar en mobilapp på telefonen – och sättet att komma dit är via öppna och ”standardiserade” plattformar och datamodeller.

Samhället står inför utmaningen att minska resursanvändningen kopplad till våra fastigheter. Bebyggelsen utgör ca 40 % av energianvändningen i Sverige och Europa. Det finns potential att reducera byggnaders energianvändning med ca 30 % enbart genom driftsoptimering. Vidare, för att nå klimatmålen krävs också en omställning till förnyelsebar energi och energieffektiva systemlösningar. Samtidigt sker en elektrifiering av industri och fordonsflotta. Med ökad andel förnybar energi i kombination med elbilsladdning hemma och på jobbet så kommer behovet av flexibilitetstjänster i bostads- och lokalsektorn att öka dramatiskt, vilket skapar ökad efterfrågan på energitjänster i fastighetssektorn.
Fastighetsbranschen behöver utvecklas och ställa om till energi- och kostnadseffektiv driftsoptimering i samklang med de allt större möjligheterna med prissänkta sensorer och allt snabbare datahantering.


Middleware Needs Standardization to Hold Smart Buildings Together | Propmodo

In the physical world, hundreds of sensors are collecting data throughout every floor of smart buildings. In the digital world, building engineers and AI-power intelligence are analyzing and leveraging that data to produce actionable optimization. Bridging the gap between those two processes is proving to be one of the biggest challenges for smart buildings. The way that it is done is through a connective piece of software called middleware. In order to make sure the never-ending flow of data can get where it needs to go, middleware standardization is needed.

Sensative’s Yggio is the solution for this problem until there is ONE global standard for all IoT (that will never happen!)


MQTT & the Horizontal Approach to Managing Smart Buildings

MQTT is increasingly being described as a more modern & cloud-centric method of integration than BACnet & could become a main IoT protocols

Sensative’s analysis:

Very good article, but unfortunately it is over-simplified. MQTT is one enabler, but it cannot be used as a generic mechanism in IoT. There are simply too many standards and too little bandwidth to run MQTT everywhere.

IoT is about LoRaWAN, Narrow-Band IoT, Z-wave, SigFox, ZigBee, BLE, and hundreds more. It’s about mesh networks. It’s about reusing existing investments in BACnet, Modbus, CAN, Wireless M-bus, etc.

Horizontal architecture is the only way forward, and MQTT is an important enabler for this. But, it does not solve all the challenges.

iot retail covid family

How IoT can help the retail market recover

[…] with same and next day delivery, or live access to available stock, it is perhaps unsurprising that a majority of customers will favour online retailers due to the efficiency and seamlessness of the experience. Therefore, brick-and-mortar stores need to find a way to emulate this digital dynamic and personalised experiences in-store.

The retail market was already struggling, and with the impact of Covid, it has become time for change. We believe that personalizing the retail experience and adapting it to customer patterns will keep physical stores open for many years to come.

One way to bring customers safely back to stores is to use IoT sensors as people counters. Together with AXIS Communications, we offer a people counter package for stores. The package includes AXIS’ IoT cameras with onboard software for people counting, running on Sensative’s Yggio platform for data collection and visualization. With such a package, it becomes easy for stores to monitor visitors and display the number in real-time for everyone to see.

To further improve the experience, our customers can use sensors to monitor retail customers’ behavioral patterns in their stores, such as monitoring dressing rooms with presence sensors or seeing where they stop for extended periods, what products are most visited, and more using cameras and analytic algorithms. This type of behavioral data is paramount when laying the foundation for an optimized customer experience in-store. With the further aid of apps and tablets, the personalization of the customer experience has few limits.

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Smarta fastigheter med AI

Castellum drar nytta av AI-teknik och maskininlärning. I samarbete med Combitech bygger de en lösning för att effektivisera underhållet av deras fastigheter.

Vi levererar all IoT-data för Castellum, i samarbete med bland annat vår partner Combitech som i sin tur gör bra saker för Castellum i form av datalake och AI. Läs mer om detta i Combitechs artikel.

building systems

What Will Replace Building Management Systems?

Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are dominated by a small group of large corporations (Carrier, Goodman, Rheem, Trane, York, Lennox, and Nordyne) who collectively control over 90 percent of the U.S. market. These companies use the same generic terms to describe their operating systems, building management system (BMS) or alternatively building automation system (BAS). While these systems can be good at energy optimization and comfort control, HVAC accounts for just 40 percent of a standard commercial building’s total energy use, leaving a big gap to fill.

But the important thing is that it changes the focus of the building system to the entire building in a way that does not revolve around just heating and cooling. This shift is made possible by two shifts in technology.

At Sensative, we call it Digitalization infrastructure Management System – DiMS, and our Yggio DiMS is not only limited to Buildings. It enables Smart Buildings, Cities, Homes, Agriculture, Ships, to list a few…

Predictive maintenance market niche topic to killer application in 10 years min

Predictive Maintenance Market: From Niche Topic to High ROI Application

Predictive maintenance has clearly evolved from the rather static condition-monitoring approach. It has become a viable IoT application that is delivering overwhelmingly positive ROI. Several technological developments have contributed to the rapid market expansion—notably, a simplified process of connecting IoT assets, major advancements in cloud services, and improvements in the accessibility of machine learning (ML)/data science frameworks.

Sensative provides the integration part in this digitalization journey. IoT Analytics call it “Intelligent data mesh” in the graph above. We call it Yggio – Digitalization Infrastructure Management System (DiMS).



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