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Eslöv kopplas upp med smarta sensorer – Eslövs kommun

Genom smarta sensorer på strategiska platser i centrala Eslöv behöver vi i framtiden inte gissa var Eslövsborna gärna sätter sig för en lugn stund, hur människor rör sig, uppehåller sig olika tider på dygnet eller var det behövs fler parkeringsplatser eller cykelställ.

Eslövs kommun driver projektet i samarbete med Kraftringen och Sensative. Kraftringen står för uppkopplingen av sensorerna via ett lokalt LoRa-nätverk och Sensative står för plattformen.

aging in place with smart homes by sensative

Enkelt och tryggt hemma – linkoping.se

I samarbete med bostadsbolaget Stångåstaden, Utsikt bredband, Kinda kommun och forskningsinstitutet Rise, driver Linköpings kommun ett projekt som syftar till att öka möjligheterna för dig som är äldre att bo kvar i din egen bostad och leva ett självständigt och hälsosamt liv, långt upp i åren.

Sensative levererar Yggio i många olika användningsfall och miljöer med olika syften. I Linköping gör vi omsorgsrelaterade användningsfall och är en del av projektet som beskrivs här

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LoRa will be top non-cellular LPWA network technology in five years, says ABI

5G and non-cellular network technology will co-exist: In the future, LoRaWAN and 5G will co-exist in the form of hybrid networks or multi-RAN architectures.

This is one of the things that Sensative’s Yggio enables.

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Annorlunda arbetssätt ledde till goda resultat inom SOM-projektet

Digital Cities & Citizens – Hur skapar man bra förutsättningar för innovationer inom ett projekt? Anders Trana, projektledare för digitaliseringsprojektet Smarta Offentliga Miljöer (SOM) har arbetat med innovativa projekt sedan år 2000. I SOM-projektet som gjordes inom Future by Lund fick han tillfälle att prova sina erfarenheter i ett annorlunda och agilt uppbyggt Vinnovafinansierat projekt. Partners, delprojekt och finansiering bestämdes efterhand och resultatet blev att ett tjugotal projekt genomfördes och att nya produkter, tjänster och arbetstillfällen skapades. Läs om hur arbetet lades upp och vad projektdeltagare från Trivector, Sensative, Kraftringen och Smarta Byar tyckte!

Mats Pettersson, vd, Sensative

Vad tycker du om arbetssättet i SOM-projektet?

– Jag är hundra procent för det! Många projekt hade inte blivit om man preciserat arbetet från början. Vi på Sensative har samma arbetssätt i relation till alla våra kunder. Vi börjar med att tänka stort om hur den digitala miljön ska se ut och bygger sedan steg för steg, och precis så har projektet snurrat.

Smart Cities of the future min

Smart Cities of the future: 7 things that successful cities do – IoT Analytics

Smart Cities of the future min
Smart Cities of the future min

Successful Smart Cities tend to exhibit a holistic approach towards Smart City development, prioritizing the integration of (new and legacy) city applications and infrastructure under the same system to gain a complete view of the city. Holistic “Smart Cities of the future” initiatives focus on developing a common IT infrastructure and platforms that can be further leveraged by multiple Smart City applications.

This contrasts with solely focusing on a particular application area (e.g., Mobility, Energy, Governance), where solutions tend to work in silos limiting the potential reusability of the deployed IT infrastructure for additional use cases. Typically, these holistic projects involve using a centralized management software (i.e., Smart City platform or operations center) for a complete view of the various Smart City applications.


This is the reason for Sensative’s Yggio, the most powerful middleware for holistic approaches and a common IT infrastructure.

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Hyllie: how Swedish prosumption could set a precedent for smart cities

The Swedish district of Hyllie is blazing a trail for “prosumer” culture, creating a smart city that both produces and uses its own energy.

Sensative take:

A very interesting development for Smart Cities indeed. But, it is based upon that everyone installs new and latest technology, both the utility company and the BMS’s in the buildings. It is based upon the fact that this is a completely new city district, where everything is built from scratch.

The whole trick is that systems and organizations can integrate and share data in real-time to optimize supply and consumption. This puts a lot of requirements on the systems to be able to integrate and share data securely and under full control of the data owner, all for the common good of the Smart City.

When the city is not newly constructed you have a plethora of systems (or lack thereof) of different generations, technologies, standards, and incompatible suppliers. You cannot expect all these property owners and other players to completely rebuild their technologies from scratch. You need to be able to retrofit missing components while utilizing installed tech to make it economically viable.

This is the purpose of Sensative’s Yggio; to be able to install a modernization “operating system” into the smart building and city to act as the glue between old and existing tech providing the same possibilities as described in this article, but for everywhere, not only in new district developments.

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How has technology impacted the golf game?

Companies have introduced GPS golf carts, adjustable drivers, sensors, and smart balls.

Engineering.com highlights Sensative and our partner Sensefarm in an article about the latest and greatest tech development in golf, where we provide IoT tools for the greenkeeper.

Optimized green quality coming soon to a golf course near you….

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The potential for MQTT in realizing the smart city vision – Secure Insights

MQTT is likely to play a great role in the realization of smart city goals. Learn about the potential benefits of integrating MQTT into video surveillance

In the IoT business, MQTT is a standard protocol, and Sensative’s integration platform speaks to it natively. With the MQTT ACAP software in the camera, we can extract an event/alarm – meaning utilizing the camera purely as an IoT sensor – without us ever accessing the video stream, which could be highly sensitive.

For example, we now use Axis cameras for people counting in office environments for facility management and COVID-19 related monitoring – everything is integrated in real-time into the Building Management Systems.

Using MQTT simplifies the complexity of configuring IP-networks for two-way communication and lowers the load on servers by reducing data overhead.

smart city fiware global standard

Smart MaaS – Life in Smart City – YouTube

A great little animated video by Fiware, explaining the power of Smart Mobility as a Service. All enabled by the FIWARE Open Standard for Smart Cities.

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Smart Cities to Create Business Opportunities Worth $2.46 Trillion by 2025

More than 70% of global smart city spending by 2030 will be from the United States, Western Europe, and China.

Smart cities’ spending on technology over the next six years is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 22.7 percent, reaching $327 billion by 2025, up from $96 billion in 2019. “Technologies like artificial intelligence and big data will be in high demand to combat the pandemic, with growing opportunities for crowd analytics, open data dashboards, and online city services,” Frost & Sullivan notes.

Frost & Sullivan defines a smart city as one that embodies at least five of eight parameters (smart buildings, mobility, infrastructure, energy, citizenry, governance, education, and healthcare). So far, no city in the world has achieved that. However, Frost & Sullivan predicts there will be more than 26 global smart cities that meet the guidelines by 2025, and nine of those cities are expected to be in the U.S.

IoT sensorer

Fastighets Förvaltaren vinner BA Tech Awards 2020!

Nu är det klart vilka som är vinnarna i innovationstävlingen Business Arena Tech Awards. Det är Fastighets AB Förvaltaren i kategorin mest innovativa fastighetsbolag, som vinner Business Arena och Nordic PropTech Initiative prestigefyllda pris.

På Business Arena den 8 december hyllades de lyckliga vinnarna. I tävlingen var det sex finalister som hade röstats fram och fick pitcha sin tjänst eller projekt inför juryn. Digitalisering och omsättning i praktiken är några kriterier som bidrog till vilka som skulle bli vinnare av BA Tech Awards 2020.

Grattis Förvaltaren! Alltid lika roligt när våra kunder blir vinnare (i mer än en bemärkelse 🙂 )

connected ship interview with sensative

Not perfect, but GOOD ENOUGH!

In The Connected Ship we know that knowledge sharing and visits to the real world are keen to develop innovations. It is so important to pilot technologies, which are not perfect, but with the words of Clayton Christensen, “good enough”.

Next step is THE REAL WORLD – if you are interested in transforming ideas to reality, please join our webinar on the 17th of December.

In this short video, I talk with Anders Schening from LifeFinder and Håkan Lundström from Sensative, about the transfer of knowledge and the LoRa network’s possibilities. One of the exciting findings from our ship visit with Evergas was that the modern IoT network LoRa had excellent coverage onboard a solid metal ship, an aspect essential to the project’s key elements: Enhanced data collection onboard a ship without the need to draw extensive cabling. 2: Enhance the safety onboard by monitoring the work environment and using Lifefinder devices to enhance the crew’s safety.

Sensative take: See this highly interesting interview by Nanna Thit Hemmingsen, Scientific Consultant at Maritime Development Center (MDC), where they talk about the successful test of LoRa technology on ships.



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