Data analytics is the next frontier in the built world. How to leverage massive amounts of data to better understand our new reality is the property industry’s great challenge over the next five years. In order to be able to make our buildings more efficient, facility managers must learn how to read The Matrix.
Sensative says; “think big, start small, scale fast”. Or, know and understand that the buildings already produce lots of data. Connect those systems wherever possible, don’t change them. Use Yggio integration software for that task. Connect Yggio to your existing internal systems and see the flow of data that you actually already have. This is the first small step.
The second step is to add new wireless and battery-driven IoT technology and sensors to generate new data that you now realize that you are missing to improve the performance of your buildings and business.
There is no need for a big bang system upgrade. Take it in small and controlled steps, focusing on the bigger picture and becoming more future-proof. Otherwise, you will risk ending up with a new big bang upgrade in just a few years. This is how fast the proptech is developing. Buildings stand for 50-100 years or more. Building tech might be completely antiquated in 5-10 years’ time.