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Här startar arbetet med en europeisk trafikdataplattform

Digital Cities & Citizens – Sedan sommaren 2023 pågår det stora Horizonprojektet Elaborator där 38 partners från hela Europa arbetar tillsammans för att utforma inkluderande, säker, prisvärd och hållbar mobilitet i städer. I arbetet deltar Lund som en av tolv städer, och lundabolaget Sensatives IoT-plattform Yggio blir huvudplattform för att hantera städernas trafikdata. Sensatives Peter Bårmann har en central roll i projektet: han är med i den grupp som ska se till att städernas data samlas in, transformeras till ett bestämt format, lagras, samt tillgängliggörs i en gemensam plattform, så att städerna har möjlighet att dela data och erfarenheter.

Source: Här startar arbetet med en europeisk trafikdataplattform

The Horizon project Elaborator, launched in the summer of 2023, aims to design inclusive, safe, affordable, and sustainable mobility in European cities. The project has 38 European partners working together to achieve this objective. Lund is one of the twelve cities participating in the project. Sensative, a company based in Lund, is playing a crucial role through its IoT platform Yggio. Yggio has been chosen as the primary platform for managing the traffic data of the cities. Peter Bårmann, a member of Sensative, is part of the team responsible for collecting, transforming, storing, and sharing the data and experiences of the cities in a common platform.

(article in Swedish)

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Smart cities and buildings help mitigate the climate challenge – Beijer Electronics

Smart cities connect buildings, properties, users, and infrastructure to become sustainable, user-friendly environments. Smart buildings need to be flexible and adapt as requirements are constantly changing. Property technology and digital solutions must work seamlessly together to make properties both comfortable and sustainable.

In this article, we present an overview of the collaboration between Sensative and Beijer Electronics and our collaborative solutions for smart cities and buildings.

Source: Smart cities and buildings help mitigate the climate challenge – Beijer Electronics

cracked brown soil

California Has a Drought Problem. This Tech can Reverse It – dot.LA

With 45% of the state still in exceptional drought, the solution to California’s water crisis may lie in emerging technology that could help to better reuse and conserve water. Here are six of the most promising new water conservation technologies to watch.

Strips Drip is highlighted as a solution to conserve water by its ability to sense water leaks.

overarching connectivity smart cities Adobe 1 rt

Smart Cities World – Internet of Things – Vendor lock-in and lack of interoperability still holding smart cities back

ABI Research analysis found that smart city standards are key to unlocking the full potential but the standards ecosystem is still a diverse network and can be confusing.

Talking about it is one thing, actually doing something about it is another. Meet Sensative Yggio Digitalization infrastructure Management System – the open standards-based bridge between any technology – IoT, IT, or OT – and vendor in the IoT and Smart City space.


Armaturer med integrerad styrning ska skapa trygghet

Smart belysning kan spara energi utan att ge avkall på tryggheten. Det menar Victor Ivarsson, belysningsexpert på Ateljé Lyktan och ansvarig för projektet med smarta armaturer i Veberöd.

Lyktstolpar som tänds upp för en trafikant eller gående när behovet finns och sedan släcks är mer än bara en framtidsvision. I Veberöd pågår ett test där man med smarta armaturer på lyktstolpar ska kunna minska elförbrukning och samtidigt öka säkerheten för invånarna i byn.

Säkerheten måste vara prioriterad så att inte obehöriga kan hacka sig in i systemet.

Den energibesparande effekten beräknas bli 45–75 procent. Investeringskostnaden för tekniken ska kunna räknas hem inom tre år.

Läs mer om ett spännande samarbetsprojekt där Sensative bidrar med Yggio DiMS.

Jonkoping a sensative customer.hero

Standarder förenklar kommuners satsningar på IoT – IoT Sverige

IoT Sverige driver på för användningen av internationella standarder och en gemensam IoT-vokabulär.

Source: Standarder förenklar kommuners satsningar på IoT – IoT Sverige

Standarder är oerhört viktigt för utveckling av den smarta staden, och alla andra “smarta industrier” för den delen med. Standarderna gör att du blir mindre beroende av leverantörer och olika teknikval, att du dessutom kan dela tjänster och utveckling med andra städer. Inte bara dela goda idéer utan faktiskt spara stora pengar på att dela tjänster med varandra.


Middleware Needs Standardization to Hold Smart Buildings Together | Propmodo

In the physical world, hundreds of sensors are collecting data throughout every floor of smart buildings. In the digital world, building engineers and AI-power intelligence are analyzing and leveraging that data to produce actionable optimization. Bridging the gap between those two processes is proving to be one of the biggest challenges for smart buildings. The way that it is done is through a connective piece of software called middleware. In order to make sure the never-ending flow of data can get where it needs to go, middleware standardization is needed.

Sensative’s Yggio is the solution for this problem until there is ONE global standard for all IoT (that will never happen!)


MQTT & the Horizontal Approach to Managing Smart Buildings

MQTT is increasingly being described as a more modern & cloud-centric method of integration than BACnet & could become a main IoT protocols

Sensative’s analysis:

Very good article, but unfortunately it is over-simplified. MQTT is one enabler, but it cannot be used as a generic mechanism in IoT. There are simply too many standards and too little bandwidth to run MQTT everywhere.

IoT is about LoRaWAN, Narrow-Band IoT, Z-wave, SigFox, ZigBee, BLE, and hundreds more. It’s about mesh networks. It’s about reusing existing investments in BACnet, Modbus, CAN, Wireless M-bus, etc.

Horizontal architecture is the only way forward, and MQTT is an important enabler for this. But, it does not solve all the challenges.

Eclipse Foundation 2021 survey IoT market accelerating

Adoption of IoT technology and edge computing accelerating

Spending decisions on IoT and edge are increasingly being made at the executive level due to a growing perception of the technologies as being strategically vital. Decisions are now being made at the executive level 35 percent of the time, almost double the 18 percent in the 2019 survey.

Investments in both technologies continue upwards at a significant trajectory. 30 percent of the respondents expect to spend $100K-$1M (a 2x increase over 2019) while 16 percent anticipate a spend upwards of $1M (a 25% increase over 2019).

Open-source IoT and edge computing platforms look set to benefit the most from this increasing enterprise investment. 74 percent of organisations now factor open-source into their deployment plans, an increase of 14 percent over 2019.

The respondents note the main attraction to open-source is the ability to customise or influence code in projects (29%), followed by cost advantages (18%) and flexibility (14%).

It is a beautiful experience to see the market maturing and expanding like this. We have always had huge faith in IoT and its position in the modern society, but to see this amazing increase in interest over such a short time says a lot about what is to come.

That enterprise corporations start to see the value of IoT on an excecutive level and that they are so informed that they take open-source technology into such a big consideration is what really will solifidy IoT as a staple of modern businesses and cities. As we see it, open IoT technology is the only way to go if IoT is to benefit society at large, enabling positive sustainable changes while protecting users and their data.

iot retail covid family

How IoT can help the retail market recover

[…] with same and next day delivery, or live access to available stock, it is perhaps unsurprising that a majority of customers will favour online retailers due to the efficiency and seamlessness of the experience. Therefore, brick-and-mortar stores need to find a way to emulate this digital dynamic and personalised experiences in-store.

The retail market was already struggling, and with the impact of Covid, it has become time for change. We believe that personalizing the retail experience and adapting it to customer patterns will keep physical stores open for many years to come.

One way to bring customers safely back to stores is to use IoT sensors as people counters. Together with AXIS Communications, we offer a people counter package for stores. The package includes AXIS’ IoT cameras with onboard software for people counting, running on Sensative’s Yggio platform for data collection and visualization. With such a package, it becomes easy for stores to monitor visitors and display the number in real-time for everyone to see.

To further improve the experience, our customers can use sensors to monitor retail customers’ behavioral patterns in their stores, such as monitoring dressing rooms with presence sensors or seeing where they stop for extended periods, what products are most visited, and more using cameras and analytic algorithms. This type of behavioral data is paramount when laying the foundation for an optimized customer experience in-store. With the further aid of apps and tablets, the personalization of the customer experience has few limits.


Kraftringens sensorer hjälper invånarna i staden

Ett trådlöst nätverk med sensorer som kan berätta var det finns lediga parkeringsplatser eller soptunnor som behöver tömmas är på plats i Eslöv. Med hjälp av sensorteknik kan kommunerna få bättre underlag för allt från trafikplanering till underhållsarbete, samtidigt som det ökar tryggheten för invånarna.

Sensatives samarbete med Kraftringen och Eslövs Kommun uppmärksammas i Dagensnäringsliv #smartcity #smartastäder #IoT



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