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Search in Predictive maintenance

Why predictive maintenance?

Whether trying to predict equipment failure or rising infrastructural challenges, predictive maintenance (PdM) aims at proactively monitoring for signs of upcoming issues so that the user can deal with the basis for these developments before problems arise. Technology is evolving, and responsive maintenance, i.e., to remediate the issues as they appear, is becoming an unattractive way of doing things. Predictive maintenance allows users to save on expenses in many ways, always one step ahead of any real problems like system downtime or equipment damage.

Predictive maintenance with IoT

IoT technology is well-suited for predictive maintenance monitoring in real-time, with strengths such as detailed sensor monitoring and capable data sharing systems. Implementing IoT technology for predictive purposes allows users to make informed decisions, protect their assets from damage, and increase their ROI thanks to the many use cases that open up through installing such devices and systems.



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