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Nordic Ai popup live, Smart mat & klimat – YouTube

Agtech, eller Agricultural Technology, är under en mer eller mindre explosiv utveckling på grund av de stora utmaningarna som jordbruket står inför. Sänkt lönsamhet samtidigt som kraven på hållbarhet ökar.

Nu tar man till sensorer, drönare, AI och Machine Learning för att öka sina möjligheter.


Ta en titt på denna popup där Johan Wester resonerar med ett antal ledande experter inom området, bland annat Sensatives VD Mats Pettersson.

Nordic AI popup live Smart mat och klimat med bl a Sensatives Mats Pettersson
Nordic AI popup live Smart mat och klimat med bl a Sensatives Mats Pettersson

7 Most Demanded Iot System Integration and Professional Services featured image min

The 7 Most Demanded IoT System Integration Services

In short Seven focus areas are currently in high demand for IoT system integration and professional services.

The focus areas of today are further downstream in the value chain (mostly in the solution design and implementation stages) than in years past.

Due to strong demand, many technology vendors are building out their own integration capabilities.

Why it matters? Companies offering IoT system integration services need to address these high-demand areas.

Companies implementing IoT projects may need outside help in some areas to ensure success. The shifting IoT system integration value chain Of the companies that hire system integrators, 78% do so because they

This is highly interesting since Sensative offers THE MOST CAPABLE open IoT integration platform on the market, Yggio 🙂

globe IoT illo smart cities Adobe rt

Could mass IoT deployment be key driver of sustainability? 

Report sets out to explore the impact that new and emerging technologies will have on electricity, fuel and water usage, CO2 emissions, and e-waste.

Sustainability and economical reasons go hand in hand when investing in IoT.

“The report finds that IoT-enabled solutions like HVAC systems and building automation generate sustainability benefits regardless of whether they are deployed in a consumer or enterprise context and will be the most impactful electricity saving applications (along with smart electricity grid operations). Net energy consumers include commercial-based IoT solutions such as CCTV, AV equipment, and personal assistance robots.

It also identifies the most impactful IoT solution in terms of fuel savings will be road fleet management of vehicles and delivery vans, accounting for roughly 37 percent of fuel saved by IoT solutions of all kinds. Emerging technologies with the greatest impact on resource consumption are processing-intensive and deployed to ensure compliance or data optimization.”

Sensative integrator partner

Rapportsammanfattning – Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut – FOI

Several Swedish cities have started their journey towards becoming a smart city. The need to develop smarter cities is related to for example the challenges urbanisation entails. What constitute a smart city is blurry and there is a lack of a conventional definition.

FOI has conducted an interview study, commissioned by the Ministry of Justice, on the expected benefits and possible vulnerabilities with smart cities in Sweden. The development of smart cities is still at an early stage where focus primarily is on establishing proper technical infrastructure. State cost savings and efficiencies are expected benefits. The expectation is that the smart cities will provide better situational awareness and decision-making based on data rather than today’s more experience-based decisions.

Currently, primarily potential technical vulnerabilities dominates. Continuous work with risk- and vulnerability analyses is necessary to have an understanding of vulnerabilities related to smart city developments. Expected change in both working methods and skills may trigger organizational vulnerabilities, the extent of which is currently unclear. Smart cities can also give rise to social and legal vulnerabilities. The resilience of the smart city’s solutions in the event of a crisis or war has not been fully mapped, which indicates that the smart city could to some extent be vulnerable from a contingency perspective.

This report (in Swedish) was conducted through a series of interviews with, among others, Mats Pettersson CEO Sensative.

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On the right side of the game: how open source is making digital laggards catch up

FIWARE CEO Ulrich Ahle speaks to Graeme Neill about how the Smart Cities for Germany programme is helping the country’s poor track record on digitising services and how the battle for public opinion on open-source has been won.

“He cites the case of India and its 100 Smart Cities program, which launched almost a decade ago. Despite its ambitions, the country came to a realization two years ago that each city has built its own silos. Ahle says: “That wheel has been invented several times and there were only limited synergies between the 100 selected cities. The public funding which was provided for this could have been spent more efficiently.”

Open Source, Open APIs, FIWARE standardized data models, system of systems, are the way forward. All part of Sensative’s Yggio.

city apps

Is the Path to the Digital Twin Future of Buildings Paved By APIs?

Digital twin platforms should provide an open Application Programming Interface (API) that allows any system to interact with the master Digital Twin.

Sensative’s view on this. You shouldn’t settle for a multi-twin-multi-domain-multi-supplier situation, that is just making the old school siloed systems even worse. A supplier that provides the whole end-to-end solution for a specific problem (sensor – data – storage – analytics – Twin) should actually not even be considered as a supplier if it isn’t built for data sharing from the bottom up.

“Multiple digital twins acting in unison will be complex and inevitably too complex for straightforward integration. Multiple digital twins need the tools to bring all their information together to create a “digital master” and then manage any changes to that digital master for all systems and user processes. “. This means integration on top of all twins. Why shouldn’t the “master twin” be the complete twin, making the rest of the half-baked twins obsolete?

Integration should be done very much closer to the data source so that you have ONE unified data stream to your master digital twin, disregarding IoT or legacy tech, standards, or other data sources. This is what horizontal real-time integration is all about. This is what Yggio is all about.

Integrating Digital Twins should mean that they share data sources, not that you need to create a master super twin (a twin of twins). Think about redundant data, or latency issues when twins are used for control, not only documentation.


Nytt nät för sensorkommunikation i Eslöv | Kraftringen

Utöver Kraftringen och Eslövs kommun deltar även Lundabolaget Sensative i SMART-projektet. Sensative är underleverantör till Kraftringen och tillhandahåller den plattform, Yggio, som samlar in och presenterar sensornätverkets data för användarna

In addition to Kraftringen and Eslöv Municipality, Lundabolaget Sensative also participates in the SMART project. Sensative is a subcontractor to Kraftringen and provides the platform, Yggio, which collects and presents the sensor network’s data to users. (article in Swedish)

Source: Nytt nät för sensorkommunikation i Eslöv | Kraftringen

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Eslöv kopplas upp med smarta sensorer – Eslövs kommun

Genom smarta sensorer på strategiska platser i centrala Eslöv behöver vi i framtiden inte gissa var Eslövsborna gärna sätter sig för en lugn stund, hur människor rör sig, uppehåller sig olika tider på dygnet eller var det behövs fler parkeringsplatser eller cykelställ.

Eslövs kommun driver projektet i samarbete med Kraftringen och Sensative. Kraftringen står för uppkopplingen av sensorerna via ett lokalt LoRa-nätverk och Sensative står för plattformen.

aging in place with smart homes by sensative

Enkelt och tryggt hemma –

I samarbete med bostadsbolaget Stångåstaden, Utsikt bredband, Kinda kommun och forskningsinstitutet Rise, driver Linköpings kommun ett projekt som syftar till att öka möjligheterna för dig som är äldre att bo kvar i din egen bostad och leva ett självständigt och hälsosamt liv, långt upp i åren.

Sensative levererar Yggio i många olika användningsfall och miljöer med olika syften. I Linköping gör vi omsorgsrelaterade användningsfall och är en del av projektet som beskrivs här

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LoRa will be top non-cellular LPWA network technology in five years, says ABI

5G and non-cellular network technology will co-exist: In the future, LoRaWAN and 5G will co-exist in the form of hybrid networks or multi-RAN architectures.

This is one of the things that Sensative’s Yggio enables.

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Annorlunda arbetssätt ledde till goda resultat inom SOM-projektet

Digital Cities & Citizens – Hur skapar man bra förutsättningar för innovationer inom ett projekt? Anders Trana, projektledare för digitaliseringsprojektet Smarta Offentliga Miljöer (SOM) har arbetat med innovativa projekt sedan år 2000. I SOM-projektet som gjordes inom Future by Lund fick han tillfälle att prova sina erfarenheter i ett annorlunda och agilt uppbyggt Vinnovafinansierat projekt. Partners, delprojekt och finansiering bestämdes efterhand och resultatet blev att ett tjugotal projekt genomfördes och att nya produkter, tjänster och arbetstillfällen skapades. Läs om hur arbetet lades upp och vad projektdeltagare från Trivector, Sensative, Kraftringen och Smarta Byar tyckte!

Mats Pettersson, vd, Sensative

Vad tycker du om arbetssättet i SOM-projektet?

– Jag är hundra procent för det! Många projekt hade inte blivit om man preciserat arbetet från början. Vi på Sensative har samma arbetssätt i relation till alla våra kunder. Vi börjar med att tänka stort om hur den digitala miljön ska se ut och bygger sedan steg för steg, och precis så har projektet snurrat.

Smart Cities of the future min

Smart Cities of the future: 7 things that successful cities do – IoT Analytics

Smart Cities of the future min
Smart Cities of the future min

Successful Smart Cities tend to exhibit a holistic approach towards Smart City development, prioritizing the integration of (new and legacy) city applications and infrastructure under the same system to gain a complete view of the city. Holistic “Smart Cities of the future” initiatives focus on developing a common IT infrastructure and platforms that can be further leveraged by multiple Smart City applications.

This contrasts with solely focusing on a particular application area (e.g., Mobility, Energy, Governance), where solutions tend to work in silos limiting the potential reusability of the deployed IT infrastructure for additional use cases. Typically, these holistic projects involve using a centralized management software (i.e., Smart City platform or operations center) for a complete view of the various Smart City applications.


This is the reason for Sensative’s Yggio, the most powerful middleware for holistic approaches and a common IT infrastructure.



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