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What Is a Smart City Platform?

In a data-driven society, the sheer volume of data is accelerating on an upward slope.  Our reliance on human-machine collaboration to be successful will require the velocity, veracity, security and the universal interoperability of data.

The explosion in hardware vendors, the number of communication protocols, and the lack of standardization of metadata and labeling among system integrators have created an environment in which data brokering between devices may be lost in translation or broken.  The desired flow of data back and forth between databases, levels of the technology stack, applications, industries, regions, countries and freely throughout the global economy does not yet exist.  The vision of machines flowing seamlessly around us and enhancing our lives sounds wonderful, but this utopia will remain a fantasy if communication barriers remain and the data the sensors are collecting cannot be used to provide contextual awareness.

Vendors have always preferred proprietary and closed systems since these tend to garner premium prices and lock a customer into a specific vendor.  Cities should take advantage of the potential power they now have to collaborate to accelerate and institute radical changes to the market.

The EU has been working strategically with FIWARE and the Open and Agile Smart Cities (OASC) group to standardize on the same open-source platform.  This standardization effort has spread to Brazil, Mexico, and most recently to Japan with its new partner, NEC.  The EU is working on setting a single standard for data brokering between countries, as the ability to pool data into data oceans over data lakes will (in theory) generate deeper and more accurate analytical insights.

If you want an open IoT for Smart City, then FIWARE is a natural choice in Europe. But FIWARE comes with some limitations. Those limitations are what we solve with Yggio. We build upon FIWARE components, data models and API standards, but we add the missing pieces and much more.


Stakeholders need to work together to realize the benefits of smart buildings –

Future smart cities and buildings could bring several benefits to life, such as reducing waste, driving power efficiencies and enhancing resources, but it also comes with some challenges, with security issues being the most significant.

IoT interoperability is necessary, both when it comes to legacy technology already in operation in buildings and cities and all the new IoT technologies flooding the market.

The problem with many solutions is that they are complete vertical solutions with everything from sensors to the end-user application. That solves a need in a simple way, but without any thought on the bigger picture of future needs and re-use of infrastructure and data. Complete vendor and data lock-in.


Projekt ÖdiS uppmärksammas av EU

Stockholmskommunernas gemensamma öppna data-initiativ, ÖDIS, har nominerats till Regiostars som belönar Europas mest innovativa regionala projekt.

– ÖDIS är ett unikt regionalt samverkansprojekt och det är väldigt roligt att initiativet uppmärksammas i Europa. Förhoppningsvis kan det inspirera fler att göra samma satsning, säger Johanna Engman, Stockholms stads it-direktör.

Nomineringen tillkännagavs under en gala på EU-kommissionens huvudkontor i Bryssel under tisdagen. Vinnaren utses av en jury i oktober. I samband med nomineringen är ÖDIS även med i omröstningen för Public Choice Award som är öppen fram till den 9 september. Projektledare för ÖDIS (Öppna data i Stockholmsregionen) är Beatrice Sablone och Agust Wadström.


Som stolt leverantör av plattforman håller vi på Sensative och Civity tummarna! Hjälp detta fantastiska projekt genom att rösta på dem:

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Smart cities need to prioritize people’s needs, not technology | Marketing Interactive

Building a smart city requires technology, but prioritising technology over people could undermine effectiveness, according to a recent study.

“To fulfill the promise of smart cities, we must start focusing less on technology and more on how to use it to make lives better for people. We believe real estate can be a connector between the people who are the lifeblood of cities and the digital infrastructure that is increasingly powering our urban environments,”

A good way to do this is to focus on the services you wish to give your citizens. After that, you select the necessary technologies to fulfill that service, preferably re-using existing sensors or legacy systems to control the costs. This practical approach to Smart City projects requires you to have an IoT integration capability that to a large extent makes your processes and services technology and supplier neutral. The purpose is much more important than enabling technologies.

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The Top 50 Smart Cities In The World 2019 – CITI IO

IESE Business School in Barcelona has released the data and rankings for the world’s smartest cities for 2019. The IESE Cities in Motion Index (CIMI) is now on its sixth year and the research is led by IESE professors Pascual Berrone and Joan Enric Ricart. This year’s index covered a total of 174 cities (79 of them capitals) representing 80 countries.

The authors stressed in their study that no matter how good the city’s strategy is, without the active collaboration of the public sector, private companies, civic organizations, academic institutions, and government, nothing will be possible and it will be destined for failure.

Collaboration with IoT data is spelled YGGIO.

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Smart cities must do more to deliver value for citizens | ITProPortal

Why interoperability is the key to delivering real value from IoT-connected cities.

This is the value of Yggio.

The alternatives for massive IoT and Smart Cities or Buildings would be to either invest in one technology like 5G and try to use it for everything or embrace the different technologies with their strength in different use cases and link everything together with Yggio.


“Samarbete och öppen källkod skyndar på kommunernas digitalisering” – Computer Sweden

Kommunerna måste få det lättare att dra nytta av framsteg som göra i andra kommuner, skriver Nordix vd Daniel Byström ​​​​​​​och föreslår införandet av en nationell app store för mjukvara baserad på öppen källkod.

Sensative kan inte annat än hålla med till 100%. Vi är med och driver denna fråga med vår open source-baserade horisontella IoT-plattform Yggio, för att skapa en grogrund för mängder av tjänster som lätt kan flyttas mellan olika kommuner.

barcelona smart city

What cities can learn from Barcelona on data and smart city projects 

“The smart-city model has been sold to policy-makers as a very top-down, technology-first agenda where primarily big tech vendors “basically preach a model of a highly technological city that would magically solve all our problems — a technological solutionism, let’s say. We understood that wasn’t going to work. We wanted a future model of Barcelona — a future city that was not just about technology but solving the big challenges we are facing in the city and putting people — not technology — first.”

sensative at smart cities connect denver

Amerikanskt intresse för svenskt innovationsarbete inom Smarta Staden

Sensative var nyligen tillsammans med Future by Lund med i den svenska delegation som deltog i Smart Cities Connect i Denver och kom hem med nya intressanta kontakter inom bland annat energiområdet. De amerikanska konferensdeltagarna visade stort intresse för det svenska sättet att driva samarbeten kring innovationer för smarta städer.

Vi åkte till Denver med ambitionen att lära oss hur man arbetar med städernas digitalisering i USA för att förstå hur och till vilken kundkategori vår horisontella IoT-plattform för smarta städer bör marknadsföras, berättar Mats Pettersson, vd på Sensative. Mats var dessutom en av talarna på konferensen.

Vilka lärdomar tog ni med hem från Smart cities connect?

– En stor lärdom är att USA består av väldigt många städer som alla har olika förutsättningar. Många städer är jämnstora med Malmö och Lund, och de visar ett mycket stort intresse för vår plattform och det sätt som vi jobbar med nära samarbete med både kommun, universitet och ett ekosystem av partners som levererar smarta tjänster till staden, säger Mats Pettersson på Sensative.

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Connected street light deployments to reach 70 mln units by 2023 – Juniper Research

Smart street lighting deployments will help cities worldwide achieve cumulative energy savings of USD 15 billion by 2023, according to new data from Juniper Research.

These savings will be achieved through a combination of swapping to energy-efficient LEDs and by adding connectivity to monitor and control the status of individual lights. The research shows that connected street lights will grow on average by 42 percent per annum between 2019 and 2023, reaching almost 70 million units worldwide. 

One of the drivers behind open Smart City platforms

The research found that many cities are now moving away from point solutions, towards platform procurement. It argued that street lighting platforms would serve as the entry point for a number of cities looking to deploy smart city projects.

“The cost savings enabled by smart street lighting mean that many cities will look to this as a first-stage smart city project”, remarked research author Steffen Sorrell. “Choosing an open platform will be key here, as additional services can be launched from the same point, while simultaneously driving up third-party vendor competition.”

smart city digital twin

Sveriges smartaste stad

Linköping är Sveriges smartaste stad, tätt följt av Malmö, Lund och Uppsala. Bland de minst smarta städerna är Eskilstuna, Borås och Jönköping. Det anser respektive stads invånare, enligt rapporten Samhällsbarometern.

Kul att notera då både Malmö och Lund bygger IoT och smarta staden tillsammans med Sensative och vår integrationsplattform Yggio.

smart city connectivity integrated by yggio

Connectivity Options for Smart Cities: LPWANs and Cellular Networks

Network connectivity may either make or break a smart city solution. This article discusses some of the key considerations in choosing the right network for a smart city solution. Smart cities should be built using IoT solutions that connect via a healthy range of wireless networks.

“All the networks are better in their own way, as explained above, and the choice of which to use may vary depending on the requirements, timelines, and budget. The conclusion is that a heterogeneous network approach is necessary for smart cities. Smart cities should be built using solutions and connecting via a wide range of wireless networks, including the new 5G wireless.”

All these networks still need to be managed effectively and efficiently. Sensative Yggio provides ONE API to all IoT technologies and standards. One technology neutral interface to all assets for seamless management and data flow integration.



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