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Sensative Strips Guard 700 receives FCC and Z-Wave approvals
SENSATIVE Announces Strategic distribution partnership with Solar A/S. Through this relationship, SOLAR will market and distribute Strips Family of sensors aimed at the professional market.
Sensative announces strategic partnership with Hungarian property developer Metrodom
Sensative will offer new and innovative smart home sensors compatible with SmartThings for seamless whole home automation
Axis using Strips Guard to monitor when a cash register is open or closed
While setting up your Strips sensor ensuring the correct placement is key to allow proper open/close reporting.
Since Strips Guard acts as an open/close sensor, its owner should not be limited only to windows & doors. Anything that has a moving part, a window, drawer, cabinet, etc., is a potential candidate for Strips Guard.
Qoitech proved that Strips will last 10 years (if not longer) in normal Z-Wave networks.
Strips Guard is weatherproof.
The world’s thinnest magnet sensor is now cleared for launch in the U.S.
A Look Back at 2015, Anticipation for 2016!
What the reviewer discovered was exactly what we hoped he would find.


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