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Hyllie: how Swedish prosumption could set a precedent for smart cities

The Swedish district of Hyllie is blazing a trail for “prosumer” culture, creating a smart city that both produces and uses its own energy.

Sensative take:

A very interesting development for Smart Cities indeed. But, it is based upon that everyone installs new and latest technology, both the utility company and the BMS’s in the buildings. It is based upon the fact that this is a completely new city district, where everything is built from scratch.

The whole trick is that systems and organizations can integrate and share data in real-time to optimize supply and consumption. This puts a lot of requirements on the systems to be able to integrate and share data securely and under full control of the data owner, all for the common good of the Smart City.

When the city is not newly constructed you have a plethora of systems (or lack thereof) of different generations, technologies, standards, and incompatible suppliers. You cannot expect all these property owners and other players to completely rebuild their technologies from scratch. You need to be able to retrofit missing components while utilizing installed tech to make it economically viable.

This is the purpose of Sensative’s Yggio; to be able to install a modernization “operating system” into the smart building and city to act as the glue between old and existing tech providing the same possibilities as described in this article, but for everywhere, not only in new district developments.

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How has technology impacted the golf game?

Companies have introduced GPS golf carts, adjustable drivers, sensors, and smart balls.

Engineering.com highlights Sensative and our partner Sensefarm in an article about the latest and greatest tech development in golf, where we provide IoT tools for the greenkeeper.

Optimized green quality coming soon to a golf course near you….

smart city fiware global standard

Smart MaaS – Life in Smart City – YouTube

A great little animated video by Fiware, explaining the power of Smart Mobility as a Service. All enabled by the FIWARE Open Standard for Smart Cities.

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Smart Cities to Create Business Opportunities Worth $2.46 Trillion by 2025

More than 70% of global smart city spending by 2030 will be from the United States, Western Europe, and China.

Smart cities’ spending on technology over the next six years is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 22.7 percent, reaching $327 billion by 2025, up from $96 billion in 2019. “Technologies like artificial intelligence and big data will be in high demand to combat the pandemic, with growing opportunities for crowd analytics, open data dashboards, and online city services,” Frost & Sullivan notes.

Frost & Sullivan defines a smart city as one that embodies at least five of eight parameters (smart buildings, mobility, infrastructure, energy, citizenry, governance, education, and healthcare). So far, no city in the world has achieved that. However, Frost & Sullivan predicts there will be more than 26 global smart cities that meet the guidelines by 2025, and nine of those cities are expected to be in the U.S.

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Nu blir det koll på laddplatserna!

En ovanligt vacker dag i början av oktober träffades några av de medverkande i SOM-projektet på Mårtenstorget i Lund för att koppla upp moduler med radarsensorer på två av laddplatserna för elbilar. I och med detta går det att avgöra på distans om p-platsen är upptagen av en bil som parkerad utan att ladda.

All data skickas via en BLE Gateway till Sensatives sensorplattform Yggio. Nästa steg för projektet skulle kunna vara att koppla informationen till digitala tjänster som visar information om tillgängliga laddplatser.

AI in IoT.hero

We currently have no smart cities — by 2025 there’ll be 26

Spending on smart city technology is expected to reach US$327 billion by 2025, up from US$96 billion in 2019, according to a new forecast from Frost & Sullivan.

The analyst company said an uncertain post-pandemic situation will compel cities to focus on developing collaborative, data-driven infrastructure for use in healthcare, public security services and more.

Artificial intelligence and data-driven solutions are expected to be in high demand, with growing opportunities for crowd analytics, open data dashboards and digital city services.

The kind of multi-party multi-network platform that Sensative already supplies to multiple cities, municipalities, and real estate companies in Sweden. Will Sweden again take the lead when it comes to new infrastructure and communication, like when Telia, Ericsson, and Nokia (yes, they are Finns, our closest neighbor) invented mobile phones and cellular GSM networks?

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IoT-verkstad i Studio Stadshuset

Digital Humans – Projektet City as a platform bjöd i oktober på en digital workshop där både kommunanställda och andra lärde sig hur man kopplar in en sensor till Sensatives plattform Yggio. I Lund satt deltagarna i Studio Stadshuset och efter några timmars arbete skickade sensorerna värden för temperatur och eventuella vattenläckage till plattformen och taklampan i lokalen kunde styras via datorerna.

“…Det var fantastiskt att workshopen gick att genomföra digitalt trots att det är svårt att ge stöd på distans, bland annat på grund av att alla sitter på olika nätverk.”

Håkan Lundström och alla på Sensative tackar arrangörerna och deltagarna för en riktigt bra workshop!

Covid 19 LoRaWAN

IoT goes from convenience to need in Covid-19 era, says LoRa Alliance

IoT-based technologies will become increasingly essential for tracking and monitoring location, distance, and presence, according to the LoRa Alliance.

“…companies will seek ways to prove where people have been, ways to prove cleanliness, ways to show activities in real-time to make their buildings safe for people. More and more use cases will be discovered.”

At Sensative we are developing some new interesting solutions for this, to be launched soon. Interested in a preview? Contact us for a presentation.

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Wisdom Across the Board: Arjen Hof – FIWARE

A driving-force here at FIWARE Foundation, our MSCs are made up of entrepreneurs, academics, and technologists, all experts within their respective domains.

“The best way to grow businesses is to work together, be open about sharing best practices and knowledge.”

Meet Sensative friend Arjen Hof, founder and Director of our partner Civity. He is also a member of the FIWARE Foundation Smart Cities Mission Support Committee.

In this interview, he shares many interesting insights from his many years in the Smart City business.

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The Swedish rural network

The Rural Network is a platform to gather and engage rural actors in Sweden. We are a membership based network and the members are representing various organisations and authorities which are important for the development of the activities and companies based in rural and coastal areas.

Sensative participates in two projects:

Anpassad infrastruktur med tjänstepaket för gårdens digitalisering


Automatisk kvalificering av sensordata


Ny testbädd i Lund ska skapa hållbara miljöer och bättre livskvalitet

Lunds kommun har beviljats 5,9 miljoner kronor av Vinnova för projektet ”Open Sensoring City”. Projektet ska skapa en öppen testbädd för ett realtidsstyrt samhälle. Målet: att hitta lösningar på samhällsutmaningar som rör till exempel miljö, personflöden och godstransporter. 

Projektet ska arbeta för lösningar som fokuserar på omedelbara utmaningar i allt ifrån utsläpp och fordonsflöden till säkerhet och resursoptimering. Det kan också handla om lösningar som riktar sig mot mikroflöden (gång, cykel, elsparkscyklar mm) som en del av att skapa en mer hälsosam och meningsfull livsstil i staden.

– Nu har vi möjlighet att använda den testbädd som vi byggt upp i SOM-projektet (SOM står för Smarta Offentliga Miljöer) och ta den vidare så att vi verkligen kan använda staden som en testplats, säger projektledare Anders Trana på Future by Lund. I projektet kommer vi att koppla fysiska platser till digitala – det kan handla om hur bilar, bussar, cyklar och människor rör sig i staden och att man genom att skapa realtidsdata kan styra dessa flöden genom till exempel trafikljus i korsningar och belysning.

FAKTA Lund Open Sensoring City

Projektet Lund Open Sensoring City drivs av Future by Lund och pågår från maj 2020 till 2023.

Inskrivna projektpartners är Axis Communications, Kraftringen, Lund Universitet och Mobile Heights, Sensative, Sony, Telia och Trivector. Projektet görs också i samarbete med Ericsson, Volvo Cars och u-Blox med flera.


‘Techlash’ at Sidewalk Labs could mean smart city rethink

Alex Ryan, head of the MaRS Solutions Lab and a consultant on the Quayside project in Toronto, said less reliance on tech and more community engagement could be the new way forward.

“I would suggest a shift from driving from a data perspective to more driving from a democratic engagement and legitimacy perspective,” Ryan said. “How do you engage citizens more as co-designers of the spaces that they live, work and play in?”

Sensative take: Smart Cities are also for the citizens, not only government and commercial interests. A top-down approach will not work in democratic societies. Bottom-up is what works. Citizen engagement with clear value propositions for the individuals. What’s in it for the average Joe?



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