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Smart Home

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Sensative and Combain are thrilled to announce our strategic collaboration, marking a new era of AI-powered seamless indoor/outdoor geolocation solutions. The partnership will focus on creating a comprehensive solution for seamless indoor/outdoor geolocation that leverages AI algorithms and deep learning techniques.
Some creative ideas on how to use IoT and Sensative Strips sensors to help Santa perform his job during Christmas night
Millennials make up nearly a quarter of the total population, and they prefer smart home rentals
Smart home technology is not only for the consumer, it's also for property owners.
Through this relationship, Sensative and Logic Group will jointly develop new product offerings aimed at the Smart Home/Building markets.
SENSATIVE Announces Strategic distribution partnership with Solar A/S. Through this relationship, SOLAR will market and distribute Strips Family of sensors aimed at the professional market.
Sensative announces strategic partnership with Hungarian property developer Metrodom
Smart Home data helps mitigate the potential in having to pay thousands of dollars to restore the water damage in your home.
Temperature, something many of us take for granted, unless it makes us uncomfortable.
A key point to consider is that a secure home is not only one that can scare off a potential burglar but is also one that notifies you if there is a water leak, power outage or other unusual occurrence like a sudden, drastic temperature change.


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